Thank God for his Holy Spirit.

Jesus sent the Spirit to do in the lives of his people what Jesus would do if he were here physically.

The Holy Spirit is God, coequal with the Father and Son Matt. 28:19; Acts 5:3, 4

The Holy Spirit:

  1. Convicts us of sin and draws us to Jesus           Jn. 16:7-9
  2. Gives us spiritual life                                        Jn. 3:3-6
  3. Indwells us when we believe                             Jn. 14:17
  4. Places us in the Body of Christ                          1 Cor. 12:13
  5. Seals us                                                            Eph. 1:13, 14
  6. Assures us of our salvation                               Rom. 8:16
  7. Guides us into all truth                                      Jn. 16:13
  8. Speaks to us                                                     Acts 8:29; 13:2
  9. Helps us in prayer                                             Rom. 8:26
  10. Empowers us                                                    Acts 1:8
  11. Strengthens us                                                  Eph. 3:16
  12. Fills us (to live under his influence)                   Eph. 5:18-21

The Holy Spirit can be grieved (Eph. 4:29-31) and quenched (1 Thess 5:19).

Symbols of the Holy Spirit.

Think of how each one represents his nature and ministry.

  1. Dove                                                                Jn. 1:32-34
  2. Water                                                               Jn. 7:37-39
  3. Fire & Wind                                                     Acts 2:2-4
  4. Oil                                                                   Acts 10:38