Wisdom Bring Success

Eccl. 10:10 Wisdom, in the Bible, means skills for godly living. Sharpening a dull axe brings the success of more efficient work. Wisdom brings the success of God’s approval, his blessings, and a fruitful life that glorifies him. The Book of Proverbs gives us four...

Words are Powerful, Use Them Wisely

Pr. 18:20, 21 Our words have the power to be life-giving or life-damaging. Our words, whether spoken, sung, or written, have potential for good or bad. Acts 15:30-32 These words brought joy, encouragement, and strength. Jas. 3:2 It’s like Christ to control our words....

No Strife Between Us

Pr. 2:6 Proverbs, like all Scripture, contain truths for us to live by so we can know God as our Father, we can do his will, and be blessed. Wisdom is skills for godly living. Pr. 17:14 We have a narrow window of opportunity to prevent strife from escalating into a...

Family and Friends, Part II

Pr. 2:6; 4:7; 9:10 Put forth the effort, incline your ear and heart to acquire godly wisdom and understanding. Wisdom from God’s word is skills for godly living. God wants us to know him, and he wants us to be fruitful in living for him. When we are born again, God’s...

Family and Friends, Part I

We are seeking God for his wisdom in our lives from the Book of Proverbs this month. Pr. 2:1-6; 4:7 Godly wisdom and understanding are so valuable, we’re to put forth the effort to acquire them. Pr. 9:10 is the key to gaining godly wisdom and understanding. The fear...

Seek God for His Wisdom

Pr. 4:5-7 Proverbs are wisdom sayings of various types. Proverbs in God’s word are designed to draw us to God and his will. A main theme in Proverbs is to contrast godly wisdom with human foolishness. 4:7 Wisdom is of the utmost importance, so put forth the effort to...