God has blessings that he wants us to receive. To be good receivers, we must also be good casters Ps. 55:22. Cast means to throw. Cast them on the Lord. He is the great I AM. He can handle them.

David mentioned several burdens in this psalm that he experienced Ps. 55:3-5, 21.

Have you ever wanted to get away from the trouble on the outside and turmoil within, so you could find rest 55:6, 7? We can’t get away from every burden in life, but we can cast them on the Lord.

The key to casting is trusting 55:23. Trust means to rely on, put confidence in.

Do I trust the Lord enough to cast, to release, all my burdens and cares on to him?

Casting requires humility too. Humility is presented in the context of godly fellowship 1 Pet. 5:5-7.

The word for cares means worries and anxieties. In this life, we will always have some issue or problem to potentially burden us or cause worry and anxiety. What will we do with them? Will we allow our pride to try and fix or control everything? Or will we cast all of them on the one who cares for us?

How do we cast? We get alone with the Lord and pour our heart out to him in prayer. Put it all in his hands.

Ps. 55:16-18 These words reveal both desperation and trust.

We cry out to God because we trust him. We cast and the Lord sustains 55:22. Sustains means to hold, provide. It’s translated “feed” in 1 Kin. 17:4. By our fellowship with the Lord, casting our burdens on him, he “feeds” us with the spiritual food we need to do his will. We stumble and fall as we walk with the Lord, but the Lord does not remove us. He holds us and helps us up Ps. 37:23, 24.

Three of the blessings we can receive from God are

I. Jesus Jn. 1:11, 12

We’ve all broken God’s commandments, and our sin separates us from God. But God loved us so much, that he gave his own Son to suffer and die on a cross to pay for our sins. If we believe God’s word and receive Jesus as our sin- less, crucified and resurrected Lord, God forgives our sins and adopts us into his family as his sons and daughters.

II. Grace Rom. 5:17

Adam’s sin affected humanity like a deadly virus. God offers us his abundant grace to save us, change us, and empower us. God’s grace precedes his peace.

III. Righteousness Rom. 5:17

Five times in 5:15-17, he says right standing with God is a gift. 5:17 “who receive” is literally, are receiving. God has a steady stream of abundant grace and the gift of righteousness we can freely and continuously receive so we reign in life over sin, condemnation, worry, and anxiety.

We don’t cast our responsibilities or our compassion. But we are to cast everything God’s word tells us to cast.

Can you think of any burden or care that is hindering you from receiving God’s blessings?

He loves you. Will you trust him, cast that care, and receive his blessings?