Pr. 2:6; 4:7; 9:10 Put forth the effort, incline your ear and heart to acquire godly wisdom and understanding. Wisdom from God’s word is skills for godly living.
God wants us to know him, and he wants us to be fruitful in living for him. When we are born again, God’s Spirit indwells us to empower us to live by the truth and wisdom of his word Pr. 24:3.
Seek wisdom like a treasure. Look for truths to live by in Proverbs that are in harmony with all of God’s word.
I. Honor your parents Pr. 23:22-24; Eph. 6:1-3
Our first human relationships are with our parents. We honor our parents as an expression of honoring God. We honor or value with our attitude, words, and actions. I know parents can wound their children. But God is a good Father. He invites us to come to him in faith and pour out our heart to him. It’s in close fellowship with him that we experience his healing, freedom and strength. By God’s grace, we can honor our parents so that it is “well” with us.
II. Lead your children Pr. 4:11; 23:26; Eph. 6:4
We lead by example and instruction. Our children observe our ways, our attitude, our priorities, how we face and overcome problems. We lead as we seek God and his will. Training and instruction require effort, consistency, and time. We dishearten our sons and daughters by being harsh, placing unrealistic demands on them or comparing them to others in a negative way. Lead your children toward Jesus with faith, love, and perseverance.
III. Love/Respect your spouse Pr. 19:13, 14; 31:28, 29, Eph. 5:33
A prudent (wise, understanding) wife is a godsend. She builds him up rather than contending with or nagging him. A wise husband praises his wife above anyone else.
God designed marriage as a picture of Christ and his church. Wives are to respect their husbands in a way that shows how the church follows Christ. And husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her.
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs said, “Unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her.
It’s the secret to marriage that every couple seeks”
IV. Encourage your friends Pr. 12:26; 13:20; 22:24, 25; 1 Cor. 15:33
Someone said, “Friends are like elevators, they can take you up, or they can take you down.” Be a godly and wise friend. Fellowship with godly and wise friends. Encourage them in faith. As followers of Jesus, we’re to be kind to everyone and love everyone. But wisdom avoids sinful influence that leads us astray and causes us to reap the consequences.
Building relationships by God’s word is wisdom that withstands life’s storms for his glory Mt 7:24-27.
God uses relationships to help us grow closer to him and to grow more like him.
What is one way you can live by each truth today?