Christmas is often associated with hope (Advent, some Christmas cards, songs, and movies). And yet, I’m sure many of us have had thoughts and emotions of hopelessness, even in this season.
Is abiding hope possible?
Rom. 15:13; 1 Pet. 1:3, 4 Thank God, we can live in hope if we believe in Jesus as our sinless, crucified, and resurrected Lord. The Bible defines hope as confident expectation of good. Hope must be based on what is sure or it is nothing more than wishful thinking and will not last.
Lamentations is a funeral poem. It was written by an eyewitness of the utter destruction of the capital city and temple, and the people being killed or taken hostage. It was like an October 7, 2023, attack, on a much larger scale.
Chapter three is the centerpiece of this lament. Lam. 3:17-20 Memories of this tragedy were bitter like worm- wood. Lam. 3:21 reveals a sharp contrast. He recalled something to mind other than bad memories and it gave him hope.
What was it?
Here are four reasons to hope in the Lord. Hope is based on
I. God’s character Lam. 3:22-24
God is the perfection of all virtue. He is compassion- ate, faithful, good, holy, just, love, merciful, true, etc. He does not change. Nothing is more sure or certain than God. Christian hope is based on, and flows from, God’s character.
II. God’s word Rom. 15:4
God revealed his holy character to us in his word. Without God’s word, we would not know how to be forgiven of our sins. We would not know God’s promises or so many details of his will for us. God’s word is life-giving and powerful. It gives us strength, endurance, and comfort.
Some hopes are desires for people to do something we want or situations to go a certain way, and that’s fine. When what we hope for is delayed or denied, it’s disheartening Lk. 24:17, 21. Remember, lasting hope is based on a proper understanding of God’s word.
Is the Lord leading us to a greater hope and revelation of himself Lk. 24:25-27.
III. Christ’s return Titus 2:11-13; 1 Thess. 4:13-18
Christ will return and establish God’s kingdom reign on earth in fullness. He will rescue us from all who oppress and persecute. He will reward us and we will reign with him in his kingdom for 1,000 years. Jesus is our blessed hope.
Even in physical death, we have a living hope that comforts us in sorrow. If we know the Lord, we will be together with him forever.
IV. Christlikeness 1 Jn. 3:2, 3
When God’s Spirit enters our heart. He begins his work in us to grow more and more like Jesus. By God’s grace, and the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, we will be like him one day.
This hope in Christ and his purity inspires us to keep our hearts clean.
What specific promises of God’s word do you desire?
Will you confess your hope in the Lord and his word Heb. 10:23?
Our light of hope in the Lord will shine for others to hope in him too.