Pr. 4:5-7 Proverbs are wisdom sayings of various types. Proverbs in God’s word are designed to draw us to God and his will.

A main theme in Proverbs is to contrast godly wisdom with human foolishness. 4:7 Wisdom is of the utmost importance, so put forth the effort to acquire it.

Wisdom is skills for living. It can mean spiritual or secular skills. One word for wisdom in Proverbs means to have success, to prosper. God wants us to be successful in his ways

Pr. 1:1-7 NLT. “…to give youth the understanding of their design and destiny.” 1:4 TPT

We need God’s wisdom in our relationships with family and friends, in our priorities, our education, work, health, and finances.

How do we get God’s wisdom?

I. Treasure God’s wisdom Pr. 2:1-7

These are the words of parents to their sons and daughters. They reveal the heart of God as our Father. Notice the verbs in these few verses (receive, treasure, incline your ear, etc.). Similar expressions in the opening chapters stress the importance of giving our full attention. Joyce Brothers said, “Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery.” God is the highest source of wisdom. His words are wise words. Let’s treasure and cherish God’s wisdom from his word and store it in our hearts. These truths give us a reverent awe and worship of God.

II. Seek God’s wisdom 1 Kin. 3:3-14, Jas. 1:2-6

We seek what we treasure. Solomon loved the Lord. He sought God’s wisdom and understanding to judge or govern his people and discern between good and evil. Understanding is insight, discernment. God’s wisdom led Solomon to discern the legitimate mother of a baby that two women each claimed was her son 1 Kin. 3:16-28.

God gives wisdom generously and without finding fault when we ask him in faith. Doubting God and his word is double-mindedness and leads to instability. The context in James is when we’re facing trials, and our faith is being tested. Let’s ask God for wisdom in how to persevere with his joy in our hearts and to grow in Christlikeness.

III. Live God’s wisdom (Remember, skills for living) Jas. 3:13

Look for truths to live by that are in harmony with the rest of Scripture. For example, Pro. 1:10, 15 is a truth for parents to equip children to resist ungodly influence.

I think of Pro-verbs as pro, positive, & verb, action, positive action.

Wisdom and understanding affect our conduct, our way of life. Sadly, Solomon did not continue to live by God’s wisdom. God’s wisdom is linked to meekness or humility. Seeking God for his wisdom means we recognize our need for him.

The wisest way to live is to believe in Jesus as Lord and follow him daily. Jesus died for our sins and rose again to forgive us and bring us to God.

Jesus is our source of wisdom from God 1 Cor. 1:30, 31.

Will you seek him?