Pastors & Missionaries We Support

Pastor David Ahoto
Ghana, West Africa

Jim and Dolly Gilbert
Cuba and Iraq

Aaron & Susi Hoover
Prayer Farms, North Greece (ministering to Greeks, refugees, and others through farming and discipleship)

Anil & Rachel Massey
Allahabad, India

Pastor Shmuel & Chaya Birnbaum
Bat Yam, Israel

New Life Outreach International
Richmond, VA

Pastor Mario & Sandra Espinoza
Nandaime, Nicaragua

Voice of the Martyrs
Serving the persecuted church

Missionaries to Arabic Community
Israel & Middle East

Pastor Michael
Pray that these pastors and missionaries will:
Grow in their own walk with the Lord, and in His grace
Be led by God’s Spirit
Be encouraged and victorious in the good fight of faith
Be faithful and fruitful in God’s call
Have strong marriages and families
Have the finances and resources to meet needs
Have fellowship with other godly pastors or leaders
Be healthy in spirit, soul and body for God’s purpose and glory