We are seeking God for his wisdom in our lives from the Book of Proverbs this month. Pr. 2:1-6; 4:7 Godly wisdom and understanding are so valuable, we’re to put forth the effort to acquire them.
Pr. 9:10 is the key to gaining godly wisdom and understanding. The fear of the Lord is reverence and awe of God that produces worship and obedience to him.
Wisdom from God’s word is skills for godly living (pro-verb, positive action). God wants us to be successful in living by his word. Two important areas we need God’s wisdom in are our relationships with family and friends.
Wisdom is to believe God for our:
I. Identity 2 Cor. 5:17, 21; Pr. 12:2; 18:22
The devil is an identity thief. He wants us to believe lies about God, ourselves, and others that lead us to sin, or lead us to live spiritually barren lives for the Lord. If we believe the good news, Jesus suffered and died on the cross to pay for our sins, he was resurrected three days later, and he is Lord, he forgives us and makes us new. He makes us righteous. We can learn and live by the truth of who we are in Christ.
The word for good in Pr. 12:2; 18:22, is translated precious in Ps. 133:2. “The man who finds a wife finds a treasure.” Pr. 18:2 NLT
Will you believe God and see yourself as precious, treasured by God, see yourself as a good friend, a good husband or wife, and then live up to your true identity? If you are single and want to marry, look for godly virtues in a potential spouse. Does he or she treat you as valuable?
Pr. 21:21 If we follow or pursue righteousness and faithful love, we “find” life and honor along the way. 18:22 Similarly, if we follow the Lord and his will, and we “find” a spouse to join us along the way, it’s a good thing.
II. Purity Pr. 5:15-20; 6:32; 1 Cor. 7:3
Building our identity on God’s word helps us overcome insecurity and immorality.
Marriage is God’s covenant Pr. 2:17. It’s a commitment in which we give ourselves exclusively to one another in love. The physical union involves our soul and is reserved for marriage. Give your affection to your spouse and protect the purity of your marriage.
Purity, like immorality, begins in our heart and mind. Temptation itself is not sin. Wisdom prepares for temptation.
Guard your heart, pursue purity and flee immorality.
III. Victory Pr. 21:31
The word for deliverance is also translated “victory.” Ultimate victory in our battles comes from the Lord. God is all-powerful. He wants us to trust him for the victory, and he wants us to trust him to help us up when we fall so that we stay in close fellowship with him.
We must continually renew our minds with the truth of God’s word to learn our identity in Christ, pursue purity, and walk in victory.
Col. 1:9-11 Will you seek God for his wisdom and understanding in your relationships so that you grow closer to him and grow more like him?