About Us

You Are Welcome Here
When we started Calvary’s Love Ministries, we tried to put ourselves in the place of someone who had never been in a church or someone who had not been involved in a long time. We know it can make people a little uneasy because of the fear of the unknown. However, we want you to feel welcome and know that we are not here to embarrass you or pressure you to do anything. We simply want you to be drawn to God and to His will.
About Us
- We are a family of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, made up of individuals and families of different ages, as well as a variety of ethnicities and backgrounds.
- We are a family of imperfect people who have come to know and believe in the Perfect One.
- We gather together to worship God through a variety of songs.
- We pray.
- We receive the truths of God from scripture so we can know God better and know how He wants us to live.
- We fellowship together and serve one another for the glory of God.
- Sunday mornings we offer Nursery, Preschool, Elementary and Youth Ministry. The last Sunday of the month, the Youth will typically stay in the sanctuary as we all partake of The Lord’s Supper together.
- We are available after services if you have questions or for prayer.
- We invite you to join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.
- Our prayer is that you will truly experience Calvary’s Love.
Our Purpose & Priorities
Our purpose is to follow Jesus, be equipped to serve Him, and become more like Him.
Our priorities are: God’s word, prayer, worship, fellowship, and outreach.
God’s word reveals His power, His holiness, His love for us, and His will. It also reveals our need, and God’s gracious provision through Christ.
Prayer is our two-way conversation with our Father in heaven.
Worship is giving adoration, praise and thanks to God for who He is, and what He does.
Fellowship is partnering and participating with our fellow Christian believers in the worship and service of our risen Lord.
Outreach is seeking to draw others to the Lord Jesus by our words and deeds.
Our Vision
What we want to do, our desire, and prayer
Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.
Habakkuk 2:2
- Calvary is the place Jesus suffered and died to demonstrate God’s great love for us (Romans 5:8). God wants us to know Him and be forgiven. He draws us to Himself out of sin and unbelief. We want to experience God’s love in a way that changes us and leads us to worship and serve Him together in a spirit of harmony (Acts 2:46, 47).
- We want people to know they are welcome when they attend services (James 2:1-4). We want to provide an opportunity for each one to meet with God through worship, prayer, Scripture, fellowship and ministry.
- We want to sincerely worship God from our hearts (John 4:23). We want a team of anointed musicians and singers to lead us into His presence.
- We want to be a people of prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17). We want to recognize our need for God and pray for His will in us and in others.
- We want to honor God’s Word in living by its truth (James 1:22). We want to be led by God’s Spirit and trust Him to help us (Galatians 5:16).
- We want each Member to see himself or herself as a minister who desires and fulfills God’s call & purpose (Ephesians 2:10; Colossians 4:17).
- We want a team of Pastors who love, feed, lead, pray for, protect and equip the family of God (Acts 20:28-32; Ephesians 4:11-16).
- We want a team of Deacons who will assist in the care of each member (Acts 6:1-3).
- We want a Nursery Ministry where babies and toddlers are loved, blessed and prayed for (Luke 18:15-17).
- We want a Children’s Ministry for boys and girls get to know God and grow in their faith (2 Timothy 3:15). We want the children to have fun and to worship and serve God at their age level (Matthew 21:15).
- We want a Youth Ministry in which we assist young people in seeking God and His will for their lives. We want them to grow strong in the Lord and be examples to others (1 Timothy 4:12-16; 1 John 2:16).
- We want a Single’s Ministry where singleness is used to serve God freely (1 Corinthians 7:32). We want those who are single to embrace moral purity and see themselves as an important member of the family of God. We also want to offer teaching and preparation for those who desire to marry.
- We want a Men’s Ministry and a Women’s Ministry in which both learn and live by our unique, God-ordained roles (Ephesians 5:22-33). We want couples and families to be able to worship, pray, serve and grow together.
- We want a Seniors Ministry for people to still be fruitful by staying in fellowship with God and His people (Psalm 92:12-14). We want to value those who are older and the wisdom they have to share (Titus 2:1-3).
- We want to support Missions with prayer and finances (Philippians 4:15, 16). We want to offer opportunities to go on short-term mission trips.
- We want to have local outreach events where we can serve and share the Good News of Jesus (Matthew 5:16; 9:36-38).
- We want to continue steadfastly in the disciplines that keep us close to the Lord, help us get to know Him better and grow in grace (Acts 2:42-47). And we want the Lord to use us for His glory and live in light of His return (Titus 2:11-13).
Our History
We sensed the call of God in our hearts to start a new work, so Calvary’s Love Ministries began February 10, 1998, with ten people gathered in the living room of our apartment to pray.

Apartment where we began to pray.
Of the ten, six were family members: my mom, sister, nephew, Kim, Brittany and I. We continued to meet each week for prayer and to hear God’s word, as more people joined us. During this time, the Lord opened the door for us to have a place to meet for services.
We had our first Sunday service on March 1, 1998, in a local union hall.

Our first Sunday service took place in a local union hall.
Easter Sunday of 1998 we had our first service in Patrick Copeland Elementary School, where Pastor Rocky attended first through fifth grades. We continued to meet in this building for three years and then met in the new school building for six months.
After much prayer, we bought our current facility in 2002.

This was our first Sunday in our current building.
From the beginning, we had two things in our hearts. First, we wanted to be a church where people of different backgrounds and ethnicities could worship and serve the Lord together, in the oneness for which Jesus prayed in John 17.
Second, we also wanted to be a church which supports missions and helps those in need. As of January 2018, we support 11 different pastors and ministries around the world on a monthly basis. From our beginning, we have served meals, donated school supplies and helped with various financial needs, and by God’s grace we continue to do so.
For every person who has come to know the Lord, who has been baptized, who has been strengthened in his or her faith, or in any way blessed or helped through Calvary’s Love Ministries, we say, “To God be the glory.”