Pr. 2:6 Proverbs, like all Scripture, contain truths for us to live by so we can know God as our Father, we can do his will, and be blessed. Wisdom is skills for godly living.
Pr. 17:14 We have a narrow window of opportunity to prevent strife from escalating into a full-blown quarrel.
Pr. 20:3 Today, we’ll focus on three causes of strife and how to overcome strife with God’s wisdom and grace.
I. Pride Pr. 13:10 Overcome with Humility 11:2
Pride is self-focused, self-pleasing. That’s why it causes so much strife and conflict. Pride can be subtle. It’s not always easy to detect it in our own hearts, but it’s wise to examine our heart and motive when strife arises. Humility considers others and is associated with wisdom.
Abram and his nephew Lot had flocks and herds in a limited area of pasture. Conflict arose between Abram’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen. Abram valued his relation- ship with Lot, and he trusted God to fulfill his word. So Abram took the initiative to promote peace Gen. 13:7-9.
II. Anger Pr. 29:22 Overcome with Understanding 9:10; 14:29
Anger, whether explosive, quick-tempered anger, or, seething anger, can lead to strife. I’m sure many of us have been on both the giving, and receiving, sides of anger. Even if we are angry for a righteous cause, the Bible tells us to put anger away so that it does not take root in our hearts.
Understanding here means insight & skill. It comes from knowing the Lord. As we grow closer to him and grow more like him, it gives us a “longer fuse.” Let’s stay in close fellowship with the Lord to grow in Christlikeness.
III. Gossip Pr. 16:28; 18:17 Overcome with Love Pr. 17:9; 26:20
Talebearer, whisperer, scoffer, and mocker are titles given to one who gossips. God doesn’t take gossip lightly. Gossip can separate the best of friends, marriages, and families. Jesus said go to the person and seek reconciliation first if something has come between you. Gossip harms the testimony of the Lord and his church.
We can hear, or speak, partial truth that’s designed to make another person seem wrong.
Pr. 18:17 TPT “There are two sides to every story. The first one to speak sounds true until you hear the other side and they set the record straight.”
Lord, help us not to jump to conclusions by what we first hear, when more than one person is involved.
Love does not gossip because love keeps God’s commandments.
A man witnessed a group of rabbis arguing at the Western Wall. After a while of arguing, they hugged each other and walked off. An older rabbi explained: In Jewish culture, there are only two sorts of arguments. Arguments for the sake of power focus on who is right and can cause division. Arguments for the sake of heaven focus on what is right. So even when you disagree, you can choose unity. Difference is inevitable. Division is a choice.
Jas. 3:13-18 Let’s use strife as a signal to examine our heart and actions by the wisdom from above.
Let’s focus on one of these seven virtues of godly wisdom every day this week, so we cover them all. Ask God to help you live by his wisdom.
Sowing peace produces a harvest of righteousness. By God’s grace, and for his glory, let there be no strife between us.